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S06E014, Feelings Can Be Fickle... Andy B 2 Minute Video


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Sometimes we need to get a better perspective on what we can see. Because, what we see, may not be what we actually see!

A child can look down the road, and see the same cars as an adult. However, an adult has height and that makes the ability to judge the speed of those cars so much more accurate.

A different perspective can literally become a life saver!

Don’t ever just trust your feelings without checking out what those feelings are telling you.

An example I’ve used many times is that of feeling full, spotting the dessert trolley in a restaurant, gorging yourself on chocolate cake – only to think you feel hungry because you see something nice to eat.

Feelings lie. And, just like the example of working out how fast a car is moving along a road towards us, a fresh perspective can be a life changing help.

So, if you’re feeling something, check it out by asking a trusted friend - who can see a bit better; clearer; dispassionately to you.

We can be wrong even if we’re right, and this goes for feelings too!

Just a thought…

Andy B





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[00:00:00] So another Andy B Two Minute Video. Confidence Can Be Fickle. What am I talking about?

[00:00:13] How often do we have in our life things that, that come and go and they change? Feelings is a classic one. Feelings come and go. There a huge issue globally, today, because feelings are being taken as hard truth. But feelings change, they come and they go.

[00:00:29] If we don't know don't do anything about feelings, they'll change all by themselves. Not talking about, how you are, you know, what you're thinking and feeling or struggling with mentally, I'm talking about feelings, they'll come and go.

[00:00:40] If you go to sleep, your feelings will change. The next morning you'll feel different to how you did the day before. We don't have to do anything and our feelings can change. 

[00:00:48] But feelings can be fickle. 

[00:00:49] Confidence can be fickle.

[00:00:51] I wrote this down. Feelings change to happiness but feelings can change away from happiness too. [00:01:00] 

[00:01:00] Here's the thing, Corrie Ten Boom, I mention her a lot because I've just read her book. So she's on my mind at this time. There's a number of books, which are wonderful. One of the things that strikes me about Corrie Ten Boom, I, I can, I can identify with her very, very well because when bad things will happen, she wasn't happy about it. Her sister, on the other hand, wonderfully joyful at everything that happened because she saw God's beauty in people. She saw God's opportunity in situations. 

[00:01:29] I am not great at that! I am much more like Corey Ten Boom than her sister ever was. I'm much quicker, and better, at spotting the problems, at realizing this isn't very good. At saying to God, why are you doing this to me, Lord? Why am I struggling with this? Why did you allow that to happen? Those are usually my first questions.

[00:01:48] But here's the thing. Feelings, come and go. Confidence can be fickle. Why? Because happiness is a feeling. It's an emotion. We can be happy. We can feel happy, [00:02:00] but it can come and go.

[00:02:01] If, you go to a car park, and someone drives out and you can get a car park space, you can be happy that you've got a car park space. Pretty simple. 

[00:02:11] You're probably not going to feel much joy at that, it's probably just happiness. Why? Because if you drive into that same space and someone sneaks just in front of you, your emotion is gonna go from desperately wanting a car park space, happiness that you've got one, anger that you've just lost it. Three emotions, super quick. 

[00:02:28] Joy, Joy is what we should pursue. Why? Because you'd be joyful with the fact you've got a car and the opportunity to park and the situation of having a space or not won't affect things.

[00:02:38] I'm working at this. I'm a long way from it. Maybe you are too. Let me know.

[00:02:42] Confidence Can Be Fickle.

[00:02:44] Joy, everlasting.

Andy B, 07/03/2024

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