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S06E009, Garbage In, Garbage Out, Andy B 2 Minute Video


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Have you ever heard the phrase, Garbage In, Garbage Out? Simply put, we could also say you are what you eat. And the same thing applies to what we listen to, or read, or watch.
50 years ago, you’d have struggled really hard to see indecent images. It’s something you’d have literally had to work hard to seek out – and, you shouldn’t’ have been doing that by the way and shouldn’t ever do so! Just sayin...

However, today, seeking to ‘not’ see indecent images is actually bordering on the impossible.

Watch a family friendly film? You’re increasingly quite possibly see nudity or be subjected to utterly inappropriate language or similar. It simply is what it is. It shouldn’t be. It doesn’t need to be. Actually, the majority of the time, those scenes simply detract from the story and interfere, rather than add anything positive!

Over at we go to extremes to make our station live up to the name – Pure! And we lyric check – word by word, and line by line - every single song we add to our system. We check to ensure they are free of bad language and don’t promote anything illegal or immoral.

Because, we take in, through our eyes and ears can never be unseen or unheard. So, please be careful out there about where you let your eyes and ears wander.

Just a thought…

Andy B





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[00:00:00] So another Andy B Two Minute Video, and I'm thinking about things that go in. Have you heard the phrase garbage in, garbage out? It's, it can be applied to all sorts of things. We can talk about it for what we watch, what we see. 

[00:00:20] I was scrolling through some social media channel the other day, and something really inappropriate flashed up. I definitely was not looking for that! It's really hard not to see things that we have no anticipation of trying to see. Garbage In, Garbage Out. I still had to process the image that I was not looking for that flashed before me. Another account blocked. It's what happens. It's part of using social media, sadly.

[00:00:43] But Garbage In, Garbage Out. We have to be careful, though, in what we see and what we do. 

[00:00:47] In the same way that what we eat, or what we drink, what goes into our insides, into our stomach, affects our body. If you have chocolate, I can't have chocolate late at night. Why? Because I get a bit of a sugar rush and I can't [00:01:00] sleep. It's got a little bit of caffeine and it's just enough to keep me awake. Garbage in, garbage out. 

[00:01:06] Put stuff in that I don't need and last thing at night and I can't sleep. But the same goes for the food we eat. And it occurred to me, I had a really teeny tiny portion of some frozen, processed, chips the other night.

[00:01:19] I've eaten them for years without any real thinking of it. Not lots. Don't happen frequently, but it's not something I think about, you know, once every couple of weeks or whatever. I had them and my stomach was really not happy. Tiny, tiny portion of chips.

[00:01:32] Here's the deal. 

[00:01:34] If we eat stuff that's processed It's going to cause a problem. And of course, all food is processed. 

[00:01:39] If you take a glass of water out of a tap, you put it into a glass, you drink it, you're drinking something processed. It is processed. It's a processed drink. You've just processed it. It's been processed to take impurities out. It's been processed in so many ways. However, those processes is good. Okay. Water is good for you! That's still a processed food, actually. [00:02:00] 

[00:02:00] But when we have ultra processed foods like frozen chips, it's going to have an effect on our bodies. And I found, for me, my stomach was just not happy. I've not eaten it for a month, that'll be the last time I ever try that again.

[00:02:11] Garbage In, Garbage Out.

[00:02:13] Even a small amount of something can cause a problem.

[00:02:18] I make bread now. We make loads of bread. We don't buy any, any shop bought bread. Haven't done for weeks. It's wonderful! A teeny tiny amount of yeast goes into that bread. I think it's less than one little teaspoon. We've got massive cups of flour going in.

[00:02:33] It goes a long way and causes a huge amount of damage. Be careful what you're allowing into your mind and into your body because a little can go a long way and it isn't a good thing.

[00:02:44] Be careful what you take in. 

[00:02:46] Garbage In, Garbage Out. 

[00:02:49] Just a thought.


Andy B, 29/02/2024

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