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S05E081, Wait. Wait. Wait Some More! Andy B 2 Minute Video


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When we had arrived at a festival we knew we had 4 car trips to make each day. We’d decided to drive in because there were four of us. It was a good decision, made prayerfully. But when we arrived for that first day, I knew we didn’t have enough money in our bank account to make it back home on the 4th day.

I started to second guess myself, and the prayerfully gained peace we’d had about how we’d set everything up for our first exhibition.

As ever, however, God had had already put everything we need in place because, on Friday – after we had already committed to being at the festival, we had two personal gifts that covered the cost of that fourth return home.

It’s so easy, isn’t it, to pray and find peace, then find waiting for God’s answer so very painful. We can question our very existence because, while God has allowed Himself to be restricted by time in order to spend time with us, also doesn’t work to our schedule.

Why would He?!?

The fact remains that if we choose to follow God and trust Him with our daily bread, then that means trusting God long enough to answer us.

He will never let us down as we seek to serve Him. So, if God called you to something don’t rush to create the solution to your prayer. But allow God the honour of meeting that prayer need, to continue building His glory and His kingdom.

Just a thought...

Andy B





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[00:00:00] So another Andy B Two Minute Video. And this is the first one we've done since we're at Cliff College Festival over the weekend. So it's quite exciting. So, hello to anybody who's watching one of our videos for the first time. It's good to meet you!

[00:00:22] So I've titled this one. Wait, Wait and Wait Some More because sometimes in life we like to rush ahead. We like to ask God. We like to wait. We like to see him do good stuff. But it's very easy, isn't it, as people to ask God for something and then sort of jump into the gap where He thinks, where we think He, He should have have done something already. 

[00:00:43] So we went to the cottage. It was great. We got an invitation to have a stand there, which we did. We loved meeting lots of great people, and sharing our Ministry for the first time in public, which was great. 

[00:00:54] But on the Friday, when we arrived, I was starting to think, second thoughts is, is this a, is this a good thing for [00:01:00] us? Should we be doing this? Didn't actually have enough money to get there on the Monday as well and back home again. And it was starting to get me a little bit, a little bit concerned. Because I was thinking, well, I'm sure God's called us to be here. He seems to have equipped us and financed us thus far. But I also knew that we didn't quite have enough money to get home on the Monday.

[00:01:18] But we decided where we were gonna go. We decided that we were gonna boldly keep walking forwards, and trust God!

[00:01:25] Brother Andrew, one time, managed to make a mistake. He exchanged too many guys. This is the guy from Open Doors. He took books in Bibles into communist countries, close countries. He exchanged too much of a local currency. And he was, like, what am I gonna do this? I don't need this. 

[00:01:40] And then the story unfolds that they were in a small incident with another car. The other person was screaming for the Police, and he thought, we really don't want that. And the only amount of money that this guy would take, to leave them alone, was the money that he'd accidentally mistakenly, so to speak, made.

[00:01:56] Sometimes those mistakes you make. Some of the expenditures that I [00:02:00] thought, oh, I've made a mistake here, actually it was the right thing to do. But when you are walking with God, when you are trusting God for your presence, your future, more often than not it's not just about walking forwards, but in my own experience anyway, it's about waiting, waiting, and waiting some more. And waiting in order for Gods to be able to be glorified, not us. 

[00:02:26] Don't fear mistakes! We're all gonna make mistakes. We need to accept that we're gonna make that we're gonna make mistakes. 

[00:02:31] But sometimes those mistakes may actually be good opportunities for God to get involved, because we're sort of outta the way a little bit more.

[00:02:40] Just a thought.


Andy B, 31/05/2023

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